Depending on the cause your organization is promoting, utilize what in a home coincides with the cause. For instance you are promoting for the rights of individuals to have a home; you can purchase home fragrance “candles” from certain distributors w/out having the brand name on it. Request a “no label option”, the organization puts their name on it you simply place your label on it instead. It is a great way to generate extra funds that remind individuals about the cause. If candles don't light your fire, you can use the same “no label” option for a variety of items; soaps, t-shirts, wrist bands, bath products, even shoes. Remember keeping it creative and original will ensure that one comes back to you again and again.
How to I begin to request funds?
Our budget is small, we still need to advertise.
We have ran out of ideas for raising money, need more ideas!
How to Fundraise Successfully Without Selling?
How can I get donations without asking for them?
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